Truth is like water, like silk, like honey, like sunlight. I desire Truth. Truth in my inner being. Truth is where I can be and breathe. Truth is tranquil, smooth, spacious and calm to me. God’s Truth is peace. I receive and welcome His Truth as I do an inviting summer breeze or a soft embracing light. Effortlessly. Truth is where I am happy.
Did you know we are to regularly check in with ourselves to see if we are filled with and living out God’s good Truth for our lives? That’s right, we have to regularly get with ourselves and God to do some self inventory. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Truth is the Word of God that inspires and shines light on the Way of Life we are to live. Truth is the Way to happiness, contentment and fulfillment in life. Truth is YOU at YOUR BEST! God’s glory is YOU at your FINEST!
We are called to live a life of excellence! This means we are to live in an excellent manner. Being a person of integrity with our words and deeds, even when no one is watching. This means choosing love and life every time. It means being honest. Extending mercy and forgiveness, even when its hard. It’s giving MORE and judging LESS. Believing and seeking out the good in others, always. It’s remembering, that love covers all. (Proverbs 10:12) Just as we hope others would cover and conceal our weaknesses, we too are to cover theirs. So, the next time you’re gabbing and have the urge to spill the juice a.k.a gossip, hold your tongue and reach for the sugar. Love is sweet and kind, and so are you!
We need to check our hearts motives and intentions daily and listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Stopping to ask ourselves why? Why am I…
- Doing this?
- Saying this?
- Thinking this?
- Eating this?
- Drinking this?
- Listening to this?
- Watching this?
- Is this beneficial?
- Will I prosper and live from this?
- Will this help others?
- Am I glorifying God?
Take time to listen to your hearts answer. Peace will guide you in the right direction. We get to choose, the low life or the high life. Which is it we want to live?
It’s time to be like Steve Winwood and choose a higher love; the higher life! (Google it young people!) It’s time to RISE up and step into your true calling! It’s time lay some things down and choose the better portion!
Receive and accept and learn of God’s Truth. Truth is for you! Truth is a gift to be unwrapped and enjoyed, tasted and tried and lived! Put it on! Slip into it! Wear it comfortably, like your favorite old t-shirt or perfect pair of jeans! Rock it, own it, sing it, sip it, preach it, dance it! LIVE IT OUT! Get down with your bad self! You are AWESOME! You were created in the very image of God Himself! God has filled you and equipped you and you are ready to live your best life! Go get em! EnJOY this life you’ve been given and this person God made you to be! Live out NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! (2 Corinthians 13:8 AMP) It’s God’s greatest gift to you, It’s His desire for you!
I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! John 15:11 (NLT)