You see it everywhere these days, people partially tuning into the world around them. One ear bud in, the other loosely dangling free; they’re listening to one thing, while being receptive to another.
Bonding through a family bike ride, my oldest daughter plugged both of her ear buds in wanting to enjoy some tunes. Seeing that it was a busy street, my husband called out to her, telling her to stop at the curb and to watch for cars. But she kept riding, unaware of his warning. We quickly found that she couldn’t hear the forewarning of her father to keep her from harms way. I rapidly sped up to her and gently advised her to keep one ear free so she could hear her father’s voice.
Similarly, we are to stay tuned into our Heavenly Fathers voice as we walk throughout our days, so He can lovingly help navigate us successfully and safely through this life!
Proverbs 2:2 -” Making your ear attentive to skillful and godly wisdom and inclining and directing your heart and mind to understanding.” (AMP)
We recognize God our Father’s voice not by knowing of Him but by getting to know Him personally. We do that by spending time with Him in His Presence and in His Word found in the Bible, scripture based books and devotionals. We draw near to Him, receiving relationship through belief of His one and only Son Jesus Christ, whom the Father sent out of His great love for the world. (John 3:16)
As we then begin to get acquainted with Him and come to know His Character, we understand that He is Love and kindness. That He is gentle and faithful and rigidly righteous in His Way. That He is good and pure and Light and in Him no darkness is found! (1 John 1:5) That He doesn’t condemn us or oppress us but He lifts us up out of our mess, redeems us, cleanses us and sanctifies us as Holy and His and then frees us to live with Him in His spiritual abundance; offering us the blessings of peace, joy and true happiness found only in Him. He leads our soul to prosper and directs our steps to a life well lived!
As we become attuned to listening for His voice while we walk, ride, run, skip, jump, dance, yoga, and let’s be real, sometimes stumble and crawl through this life we can begin to filter through these voices in and outside of our head by holding them up to His Truth.
We see in 1 John 4:1 that we cannot trust every spirit or thought that comes to mind but we are to test it to see if it’s from God.
The Holy Spirit whom Jesus defines as the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Strengthener and Standby comes to dwell within the born again child of God and promises never to leave us or forsake us. His ministry to believers is to aide us in life and to recall these biblical truths, these foundational promises found in The Bible at the exact divine moment we need them, illuminating our pathway and helping us steer our course! (John 14:26)
For example, if these thoughts come to mind. “There’s just no hope, my life is never going to get better, I’m never going to get a better job or get out of debt, my child is never going to come around, my marriage can never be restored, I can never break this addiction.” Whatever it may be . We can be reminded of Truth as Jeremiah 29:11 is recalled, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We can hear Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him.” We can believe Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
The Holy Spirit invites and directs us in ways, in The Way that leads us to fullness of life in our health, healing and wholeness; a life and soul in which we are completely satisfied in our relationships, with God, ourselves and others.
Truly I ask, what could be better? Pause and take a moment to receive and breathe that in!
You are invited to walk and live in the Presence of LOVE HIMSELF! The Love and Power that is able to accomplish far exceedingly above all that we can hope or even imagine to ask for! (Ephesians 3:20)
The One True God Himself who has purposed and planned your beautiful, sacred life from beginning to end wants to talk! To YOU! So I ask? Are you listening?
Blessed and prosperous are we when we heed; when we tune in to His Truth and accept His loving grace filled guidance, trusting and believing that He is leading to Life and eternity unimaginable!
Tune into to Truth tunes for you!
*** If you found encouragement here please share! God works through people like you! Hit the proper button below to share with others! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button to receive all the latest posts and music! And be sure to find me on social media so we can connect! Be blessed friend!