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God gives us power to face our enemies, to do hard things, to clear and conquer our souls!

We see a powerful example of this truth in the book of Joshua.  Joshua, once a spy working for the Servant of the Lord Moses, had done the hard work of obeying God time and time again. After the death of Moses, he successfully led and delivered the tribes of Israel to Canaan, the new and Promised Land.

Once they had arrived, they each were allotted territory, land of their own.  Unhappy with the lot they were given, the people of Joseph complained,  it was not enough!  

Hmm.  Sound familiar?  The groan of NOT ENOUGH?

Joshua said…the hill country shall be yours; though it is a forest, you shall clear and possess it to its farthest borders; for you shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots and are strong.  (Joshua 17:18 AMP) 

God had appointed the tribes of Israel each a piece of land.  His instruction, clear it to possess it.  Joshua had led them this far, it was time for them to do some hard work of their own.  It was time to grow up!  Time to take some action and step into the lots they were given.  Time to step into the fulfilling richness of their destinies.

Can you relate to the feeling of wanting more but feeling stuck or helpless?  Do you look out and only see obstacles in the way of the growth you truly desire?   Maybe, just as the people of Israel, God has led you this far.

Is He asking you to now face some strong enemies invading your space that need to be driven out and cleared away in order for you to possess the life and gifts He has for you?

You see, it’s your turn.  

God has given you the power. He has appointed you the land, the career, the family, the freedom, the health, the healing, the prosperity, the ideas, the creativity, the opportunities and the strength.

You’ve got this, with Him!

But its time to clear away the things that hinder you.   Chances are, you know what and who they are and it’s time!  

It’s time to clear and conquer!

You see, God does not only have physical blessings awaiting you in the clearing of your life and soul, but spiritual blessings await you as well!

Clearing away of the useless and even harmful things that fill our lives, such as, wrong thinking, unhealthy habits and toxic relationships, provide us with not only a physical piece of what it is that we desire in life, but the clearing away actually provides a spiritual peace as well.  Allowing us to make space for breathing room.  To be filled with freedom and joy.  Space to enjoy righteousness and relationship with God!

You see, we are living spaces, vessels to be filled, cleared daily of the unnecessary sin and fear that weigh us down.  We are to be a space cleared and prepared for a continual filling of The DIVINE!

I pray God instills in you a fresh and renewed strength!  Strength you need to claim your land!  Strength to take the first step and then the next and then the next.   To clear and possess your true life!  An abundant life of quality, purpose, peace and joy!

May your blessings be expansive!  May you receive and accept the power provided!

In what ways can you begin today with God’s help to clear and conquer?  I’d love to hear!

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